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Barcelona is a city in Spain. 这是资本和加泰罗尼亚自治区最大的城市, 以及西班牙的第二人口最多的直辖市. 随着人口 1.6 在城区范围内百万, its urban area extends to numerous neighbouring municipalities within the Province of Barcelona and is home to around 4.8 million people making it the sixth most populous urban area in the European Union after Paris, 伦敦, 马德里, the Ruhr area and Milan. It is one of the largest metropolises on the Mediterranean Sea, located on the coast between the mouths of the rivers Llobregat and Besòs, and bounded to the west by the Serra de Collserola mountain range, the tallest peak of which is 512 米 (1,680 feet) high.

Barcelona was the 20th-most-visited city in the world by international visitors and the fifth most visited city in Europe after London, 巴黎, Istanbul and Rome, 同 5.5 million international visitors in 2011.By 2015, both Prague and Milan had more international visitors. With its Rambles, Barcelona is ranked the most popular city to visit in Spain.

Barcelona as internationally renowned a tourist destination, with numerous recreational areas, one of the best beaches in the world, mild and warm climate, historical monuments, including eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites, 519 hotels as of March 2016including 35 five star hotels, and developed tourist infrastructure.

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